• Team culture

    A group of people, a voice, an action, a goal, a dream
    Experience difficulties together, face setbacks together, bear pressure together, learn and grow together.
    Support each other, tolerate each other, encourage each other and love each other.
    This is an invincible team that is knowledgeable, mindful, authentic and progressive!


Office address:202, Floor 2, Building 2502, Pitang Village Phase II Resettlement Community, Heishipu Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China

TEL/WeChat:+86 13875983792

Registered address:202, Floor 2, Building 2502, Pitang Village Phase II Resettlement Community, Heishipu Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China

TEL/WeChat:+86 15874156309

Online consultation
Contact number

+86 13875983792